Blast from the past
All these many years Ive been clean Ive never run into anyone that I used drugs with that was able to get clean and stay clean, except my ex-wife. I have heard that some of them died of drug overdoses or health related problems. Over the years I've just sort of thought that the people I used drugs with were just too sick to get better, and most of them were.
However, today I got a call from a lady I used with for many years. Shes been clean 17 years now. She started NA in one of the local Southern California areas. She seems to be doing well. I told her if I had made a list of people who I thought were likely to get clean, she would not have been anywhere near the top of the list. She said the same about me.
Very interesting. God does work in mysterious ways. We will see where it all leads.
You might get the idea from reading my site Im anti-AA or anti-NA. Im not really. I just dont think those programs go far enough. But for some people its a vast improvement over how they were. A step on the journey.
If you are a member of one of those programs, dont get your panties in a bunch over what Ive written. Instead why dont you read my site, consider my criticisms, and possibly follow some of my links and see if it can benefit you. I wish you well.
God Bless,
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