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Click Here Christian Recovery: October 2005

The Truth about recovery

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Recovery from Sin

Link to testimony

Ultimately, isnt recovery from sin what the Christian Life is all about?
Ive focused on recovery from alcohol and drugs mainly on my site because that is my background. But God can heal us from a variety of conditions. I have been critical of AA/NA because of their stance on homosexuality. I have been maligned and called a "hater" because of it.

The above link is to a site that contains a powerful testimony of 2 people who have recoverd from homosexuality,one of them a former gay AA member. I think their stories are powerful testimony to life changing power of Jesus Christ, and I recommend them to your attention.


Hepatitis C update

Count yourself lucky if you used drugs for many years and dont have Hepatitis C.
Even though I have been off drugs since 1976. I was recently diagnosed with the Hep C virus. Many,many people (millions) are running around with the Hep C virus and dont know it. You would think that sometime during the last 30 years someone would have suggested that I get tested for this since I was an IV drug user. It is true there had been no test for the virus until 1990. In the 15 years after that nobody ever suggested getting a test, despite attendance at hundreds of meetings of Narcotics Anonymous. And I had several Doctors miss the diagnosis despite having blood tests with slightly elevated liver function tests.

So if you have EVER used IV drugs you should get tested. The easiest way to do this is to give blood. They routinely screen donated blood for the Hep C virus.

Currently my health status is in limbo. I believe God cures people of illness even viruses like Hep C or HIV but I also believe he uses medical science too. Right now the Doctor want me to undergo treatment which is successful about 50% of the time.
At this point I dont know what to do. I am leaning towards treatment even though it has lots of side effects.

All of this makes me realize how inadequate I am to make these kind of decisions. My prayer is that God shows me the way.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


How 'Gay Rights' is being sold to America

I have written rather extensively about Alcoholics Anonymous accepting the homosexual lifestyle and the harm it does not only to AA but to homosexuals themselves. David Kupelian has a top notch article on “How ‘Gay Rights’ is being sold to America”. It up on the Worldnetdaily site. Maybe if you read it you will realize being accepting of homosexuality is not the loving thing to do. Here is an excerpt:

“ the most loving stance for others to take is not to serve as enablers of self-destructive and immoral compulsions, but to stand in patient but firm opposition. In other words, we need to side with the afflicted person's conscience. In America, we've done the opposite.”

The articles on this site “ Has Alcoholics Anonymous Lost its Way” and “The Betrayal of Alcoholics Anonymous” shows how AA has bought the propaganda hook, line , and sinker.


Alcoholism and Drug addiction are not diseases!!!!!

Alcoholism and Drug addiction are not diseases!!!!!

"Is the disease model of alcoholism scientific? No. Simply calling behavior a disease process does not make it one, even if doing so assists in creating sobriety. Is the treatment policy based on bad science? Yes. Is there any chance that this attitude will change in the near future? Bloody unlikely". JEFFREY A. SCHALER-Silver Spring-The writer was chairman of the Montgomery County Drug Abuse Advisory Council.

“The debate over the disease concept of addiction is not a meaningless intellectual exercise, for any framework for understanding AOD problems exerts a profound influence on the lives of individuals, families, social institutions and communities”- By William L. White,M.A. , Counselor: The magazine for Addiction Professionals

.When AA co-founder Bill Wilson was asked in 1960 about AA's position on the disease concept, he offered the following response:"We have never called alcoholism a disease because, technically speaking, it is not a disease entity. For example, there is no such thing as heart disease. Instead, there are many separate heart ailments, or combinations of them. It is something like that with alcoholism. Therefore, we did not wish to get in wrong with the medical profession by pronouncing alcoholism a disease entity. Therefore, we always called it an illness, or a malady - a far safer term for us to use."

WhyAlcoholism and Addiction are not diseases

I am a long time member (20+ years of sobriety) of Alcoholics Anonymous And Narcotics Anonymous. I have read all the AA and NA approved literature regarding these addictions being a disease. Most members of Anonymous programs are indoctrinated with the idea they have a disease almost from the start. Considering the lost confused state they are in ,it is no wonder most accept the idea uncritically. It is also true that most drinkers and drug addicts do not believe they have a disease when they are using. But is this idea true? And is it helpful or harmful. Their have been books wriiten on this subject , most notably "The Useful Lie" by William Playfair which is worth reading. The truth of the matter is that there is no scientific proof that addictions are a disease, although many assert that there is. Stanton Peel (author of Diseasing of America ) has reviewed most of the scientific evidence and it is clear to the objective observer there is no scientific proof that addictions are diseases. The purpose of this short essay is not to argue the point and it is recommended the sincere seeker read Peeles work if he wants to review the so-called evidence. Belief in a lie can effect behavior. If a person truly believes he has a disease which triggers an allergy then he may indeed not drink or use drugs. It is also true if a person is hypnotized into believing he is a Rooster, he will crow like a Rooster. Why is this idea so appealing? First of all, the alcoholic/addict does not know what is wrong with him and this is an explanation. It is alsoappealing to the Alcoholic because most alcoholics/and addicts have done terrible things. The idea of having a disease is appealing. I have on occasion heard people in meetings say they were relieved to "find out"they had a disease and that they were "sick" people not bad people. It is easier for a proud, wrong person to admit there is something wrong with his body than admit there is something wrong with his soul. And that is what is wrong with the disease concept. The alcoholic/addict is a sinner in need of repentance. He needs to see his prideful, resentful,angry, disobedient sinful nature, and feel the attendent pain. This Godly pain is what the scripture refers to in the beatitudes "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted".Belief in a lie does not save,Belief in the tuth does. Think of it, the entire "treatment"industry in the United States is based on a lie.Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free-Jesus Christ.


Sunday, October 16, 2005



Link to Chronicle Article

Narconon. My personal experience with Narconon is limited. In the early 1970's some Scientologists tried to get me involved while I was using heroin, but I didnt take the bait. The cure might have been worse than the disease.

However, I did have a good friend who was deeply involved in Scientology for several years. He had nothing good to say about it. However, Scientology and Narconon are still out there. I would avoid it like the plague if I was you.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Vatican starts Exorcism Class

I saw Bishop Andrea Gemma, author of the book "I, Exorcist Bishop" on CNN today. He seems like a very nice man. He said, "Demonic Infestation is a lot more common than people think". Here is a link to the story.

You might also want to read "Letter from a Catholic Priest" from the late Father Malachai Martin about demonic possession and drug addicton, alcoholism.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Blast from the past

All these many years Ive been clean Ive never run into anyone that I used drugs with that was able to get clean and stay clean, except my ex-wife. I have heard that some of them died of drug overdoses or health related problems. Over the years I've just sort of thought that the people I used drugs with were just too sick to get better, and most of them were.

However, today I got a call from a lady I used with for many years. Shes been clean 17 years now. She started NA in one of the local Southern California areas. She seems to be doing well. I told her if I had made a list of people who I thought were likely to get clean, she would not have been anywhere near the top of the list. She said the same about me.

Very interesting. God does work in mysterious ways. We will see where it all leads.

You might get the idea from reading my site Im anti-AA or anti-NA. Im not really. I just dont think those programs go far enough. But for some people its a vast improvement over how they were. A step on the journey.

If you are a member of one of those programs, dont get your panties in a bunch over what Ive written. Instead why dont you read my site, consider my criticisms, and possibly follow some of my links and see if it can benefit you. I wish you well.

God Bless,


Letter from a Catholic Exorcist

Letter from a Catholic Exorcist

The following letter was sent to me by the Late Father Malachai Maritn shortly before his death. Dr. Martin was an advisor to several Popes. The letter speaks for itself. Sooner or later we are going to have to face up to facts that we are dealing with Demonic forces. Is it any wonder that drug treatment programs are ineffective when they dont even know what we are dealing with?

Ephesians 6:12 (King James Version)12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.Here is the complete letter sent to me in 1997 by Father Malachai Martin.

*********************************************************************************Dear Ted:

Thank you for your most kind letter of December 24th. Im glad you were able to listen to me on the Art Bell program. Please forgive my delay in replying. But since the publication of my novel, Windswept House, I have been kept busy with TV and radio shows. As a result, my volume o fmail has considerably increased.Yes, as I mentioned on Art Bell, possession can occur as a result of drug or alcohol addiction. It opens a doorway into the soul. The will becomes extremely weak due to its desire for a drink or drug. This weakness and compulsion for addictive chemicals allows evil spirits an avenue by which they may enter a person. This process may begin subtly,even gradually. As the disease of alcoholism and addiction progresses so too does the evil spirit strengthen its foothold in the unfortunate’s soul. If you suspect your girlfriend is plagued by demonic forces, I always tell Catholics they must first contact the Bishop of their diocese and thus have him investigate the case. Authority must at all times be followed. This is mandatory in cases of exorcism and I adhere to these principles myself. If you cannot find a bishop to cooperate then I suggest your girlfriend say the prayer of St.Micheal the Archangel. It is a very powerful prayer. Also, have her invoke the most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ in times of trial and temptation. The Son of God died for her—he died for you and me—He will never fail her.In the meantime, know that I shall keep the two of in my Daily Masses and prayers. I ask that you pray for me as well as I once again take up the pen to continue work on my upcoming boo. And please, be at peace. Our God is merciful God of Love. He will look after you.God Bless you Always,Malachai B. Martin

Saint Micheal Prayer

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in our day of battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, thrust into Hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Not to long ago, I e-mailed a copy of this letter to Mel B. Mel B. is an AA with over 50 years of sobriety. He is also the author of several AA books including " My search for Bill W". Mels response to this letter was the following:

Hi Ted,Thank you for your email and for sharing the letter from Father Martin. I see that Malachi is a different Father Martin than the popular one that speaks around AA and has the Ashley program in Maryland.I like this letter and will keep it to share with one of my priest friends in the program who is also quite a Catholic scholar. There is no doubt that a practicing alcoholic seems to be under the grip of the Devil. As Bill Wilson wrote, if there is a Devil, he sure had me. And Carl Jung, in his 1961 letter to Bill, even thought the Devil was an apt description of the demonic force that holds us.My priest friend says that an appeal to St. Anthony will help us find lost items. I am not a Catholic, so I simply say, "Come on, Tony, get with it and help me find this stuff!"All the best,Mel BargerMel B. has a website at:

Sunday, October 09, 2005



Just watched Methodonia on HBO. Its a 2 hour documentary about people on Methadone and their struggles. Very, very sad for me to watch. It probably has more of an effect on me than on others. I could easily be one of those living a life in "Liquid handcuffs". It was sad to watch. Nothing was really said about what causes a person to be an addict or how to get off. They talked a little bit about the need for willpower and that addicts dont have any, but nothing about the Christian message of Salvation. Methodone is really a very stupid therapy. When I watch progams like this one, or the A&E program it makes me grateful, very very grateful. The one thing they dont seem to ever talk about in these television programs is the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

It would be nice sometime if they had a show where they showed the depravity of addiction, and then showed someone who had found repentance and the Salvation of the Lord.

I'd like to make a documentary like that someday.

God Bless


Luke 7:41-43 (King James Version)

41There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty.

42And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most?

43Simon answered and said, I suppose that he, to whom he forgave most. And he said unto him, Thou hast rightly judged.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Who is Jesus Christ?

God? The Son of God? Both?

People who call themselves Christians cannot agree on this point. Whoever he is, I think its important we realize the Truth for ourselves. Flesh and Blood should not reveal it to you, but the Father in Heaven. I think I am factual when I say that the predominate belief among people who call themselves Christians is that He is God.

Im putting up a link to the Unitarian site which discusses the verses that Trinitarians use to support the idea of the Trinity. Im not a Unitarian. But I think
what they have written here is worth reading, whether you or a Trinitarian or not.
Even if you subscribe to the belief in the Trinity, I think its good to know what others are saying.

I never heard of free and open discussion among people of good will ever hurting anyone.

Here is the link below.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Thoughts on AA

Thoughts on AA

In case you wondered here are my thoughts on AA:

I think most of the principles in AA are good. I actually like the Big Book (3rd edition) and like the 1st edition even more.The new 4th editon is quite a downgrade from the original 1st editon. I dont however think AA is an organization full of spiritually enlightened beings. I think when you walk into a room of Alcoholics Anonymous you are walking into a room full of very sick (evil) people.

As you can tell by my recent posts regarding AA and homosexuality, I think it has become a somewhat liberal organization over the last 25 years. It has become accepting of things that most truly religious and spiritual people find an anthema to authentic spirituality. Worse, this is in violation of its own traditons, and AA has little ,if any, ability to look at itself and be reformed. It probably wont be.

AA has built up a lot of goodwill over the decades and many people dont realize what has happened to it in recent years.

Below is a link to the GSO website where being Gay is equated to being
black, native American, Jewish,or even young or old. The only trouble
is that all those other conditions are natural whereas being a
homosexual is a result of corruption and trauma; it is a perversion. It
is evil.

Although most of the ideas in the older literature are good. Some are not. This whole idea of the disease concept is a false teaching and harmful to the alcoholic. Dr. Bob , one of the founders of AA, had the following to say about this:

"Doc dwelt on the idea that this was an illness, but Doc was pretty frank with me.He found that I had enough faith in the Almighty to be fairly frank. He pointed out to me that probably it was more of a MORAL OR SPIRITUAL ILLNESS than it was a physical one."

That I can buy, but not all this nonsense about a disease and genetics that people want you to believe without convincing proof. In my opinion its a smokescreen and false belief for people unwilling to face up to the truth that there is something really wrong with them, not their body.BTW, I dont think Dr. Bob would be very welcome in many AA meetings today. Certainly the things he said would not be very welcome.

So yes AA has some value in my opinion. If it can help you find sobriety and start you on the spiritual path, God Bless you. In particular , the teaching about resentment and anger found in the fourth step is magnificent. If you can grasp that and apply it to your life, then I think you will be on your way to a Godly and blessed life.You could also get this self-same teaching out of the New Testament, and probably should.

However, if you make AA your whole life and attend 7 meeting a week and get your whole identity out of AA, then I dont think thats a good thing.I know there are some truly searching people who get their start in AA and grow beyond it. I think they are pretty rare however.

So there are my thoughts in summary. I dont expect this to be popular or well received by AA'S To a large degree, I dont think Truth is much welcome in AA today


God's Love

I dont feel much like writing today. But maybe this says more than I ever could.

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another;even as I have loved you"

----John 13:34

Sunday, October 02, 2005


The Berrayal of AA (Homosexuality and AA)

The Betrayal of Alcoholics Anonymous (Homosexuality and AA)

Early AA was a good thing. As Dr.Bob (one of the co-founders of AA) said in his last major address to AA's:

"It wasnt until 1938 that the teachings and efforts and studies that had been going on were crystallized in the form of the 12 steps.....We already had the basic ideas....We got them, as I said , as a result of our study of the Good Book"

How then did AA, a program with Christian Roots, evolve into a program that has Gay AA meeting and Gay AA Roundups ( Indeed, the new (and improved?) 4th Edition of Alcoholics Anonymous has further deleted some of the Christian Testimonies of early AA pioneers (Clarence Snyder of Cleveland Ohio: Home Brewmeister) and replaced it with stories of unrepentant homosexuals: "Tightrope" **

The question is "How did it happen" .

The website of " International Advisory Council of Homosexual Men & Women in AA) " gives us part of the answer to the sordid story. And it involves betrayal at the highest levels of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous has a tradition (Traditon 10) which states:

"Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence,the AA name ought never be drawn into public controversy"

And the traditon served AA well for the first 40 years of its existence. There were no officially designated "Gay" meetings during that time. However, as society itself began to deteriorate and begin to be more accepting of perversion, AA began to reflect this change. Homosexual activists began clamoring for official acceptance within AA. But they had to get around the traditon to do it. The General Services Office of Alcoholics Anonymous was all too willing to help.

Gay Activists wrote a pamphlet entitled "The Homosexual Alcoholic - A.A.'s Message of Hope to Gay Men and Women." They also published a meeting list: " Meetings for Gay Recovering Alcoholics". Neither of these publications were authorized AA publications. It was sort of an underground AA.

Now let me quote from Nancy T., Arlington the homosexual activist largely responsible compiling the gay meeting list:

" I made contact with the General Services Office, and sent them copies of the pamphlet and directories. The GSO folks were very kind. Although neither the pamphlet nor the directory were Conference approved, those caring people in New York distributed the pieces of "literature" in response to requests for information from gay/lesbian Alcoholics and their friends and sponsors. They also referred people directly to me. This began a cooperative relationship between the community of gay and lesbian recovering alcoholics and the General Services Office that endures to this day through IAC. "

There you are from the mouth of the woman who did it. Alcoholics Anonymous General Serives Office promoting the homosexual agenda. Distributing non-conference approved literature and directories to the public in order to promote an outside issue: the acceptance of homosexuality in society.

The General Service Office went further. In 1980 homosexual activists were asked by the GSO staff to help plan two gay/lesbian workshops for the 1980 International AA Convention.

It could not have happened with the connivance and approval of General Service Office.Briefly, that is the story of the betrayal of Alcoholics Anonymous by those trusted servants sworn to have no opinon on outside issues.And we can be pretty sure they didnt get the idea from their study of the Good Book.

Ted W. is a long time member of Alcoholics Anonymous (28 Years). He is a believer in Jesus Christ and writes on recovery related issues at Http://

If you are a homosexual looking for help, click on the ex-gay ministry link on the side.


Letter from a former AA homosexual member

For quite some time I have been saying that Alcoholics Anonymous is doing a horrible disservice to alcoholics involved in the “Gay Lifestyle” by being accepting of homosexuality. Needless, to say, Ive gotten a lot of criticism from AA’s on the matter. Generally, they are in a kind of denial that AA is approving of the gay lifestyle, or else they are so lost they think homosexuality is ok. Well, I found a letter from a former AA homosexual member sent to Christianity Today which says exactly what I have been saying for a long time now.Here is an excerpt and link to the letter.

“After 10 years in AA, I became a gay activist, believing homosexuality to be God's will. AA affirmed that for me through its many gay special interest group meetings. Bitter and humiliating political defeat, coupled with the realization of my living a sinful life in "sobriety," helped bring me to Christ.”


copy and past the above link into your browser to view the full letter.

See my articles:

"Has AA Lost its way" and

"The Betrayal of Alcoholics Anonymous"

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Resentment Defined

I find when I talk to people about resentment that the same subjects keep coming up over and ove again. Different people but the very same subjects.

First of all, people dont have a clear understanding of what resentment is. I dont know about you but when I was growing up I did not have a Father who understood the destructive impact of resentment. It wasnt a word that was used around the dinner table.

One day, in early recovery, I asked a ministers son what was the difference between Resentment and Hate. His answer:

"Same Thing".

Now many people dont think they are. I have had people tell me in NA meetings they are not the same thing.

Now, many english words have their roots in Latin, the language spoken by the Romans who conquered England and influenced all the Languages of Europe.

Resentment has its roots in the latin word Sentio which means "to feel" . Modern Spanish, a romance language, heavily influenced by Latin uses the word Sentir to mean "to feel",

Now let me use the examle of sending a letter. You send a letter. If you send a letter without postage, it comes back. Then you have to resend the letter. Resend means to send twice.

Resentment has the same roots and means "to feel twice".

So somebody inflicts an injustice on you and you get mad.That is Anger. However if you think about the injustice again later (the next day,week,or year) and you get angry again, then you have felt it twice. Get it? Resentment equals feeling anger twice. Some people define it as anger revisited which I think is a pretty good definition.

So if someone has wronged you and you are stil angry about it, you have a resentment. Some dictionaries define it as bitteness. So resentment is a kind of anger, often very subtle and of long duration.

The Merriam Webster dictionary definition of Resentment is:

Main Entry: re·sent·ment
Pronunciation: ri-'zent-m&nt
Function: noun
: a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury
synonym see OFFENSE

If you look up the word resentment in a the Merrian Webster Thesarus you will see the word Grudge. If you look up the word Grudge you will see the word enmity. If you look up the word enmity you will find the word HATRED.

All these are listed as related words.
condemnation; offense (or offence), umbrage; complaint; peeve, pique,hate, hatred, loathing; vindictiveness, virulence, vitriol; alienation, disaffection, estrangement; abhorrence, aversion, repugnance, repulsion; disgust, horror; conflict, coolness, friction, strain, tension; discord, unfriendliness; malice, malignancy, malignity, spite, spitefulness, venom

If you go to and type in the word resentment you wil get the following;

acerbity, acrimony, animosity, animus, annoyance, antagonism, bad feeling, bitterness, choler, cynicism, displeasure, dudgeon, exacerbation, exasperation, fog, fury, grudge, HATE, huff, hurt, ill feeling, ill will, indignation, ire, irritation, malice, malignity, miff, offense, outrage, passion, perturbation, pique, rage, rancor, rise, spite, umbrage, vehemence, vexation, wrath

So I hope I have given you a better understanding of what Resentment is. Its really UNFORGIVENESS.Its that feeling of hostiliy,sometimes subtle, you revisit when you think of the past wrongs of others.

It is bitterness, a grudge, and hatred. It is all those things.


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