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Click Here Christian Recovery: September 2005

The Truth about recovery

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Iraq photo too shocking for mainstream media

These are the yound soldiers willing to voluntarily lay down their lives.


Photo from Iraq

Well, my site is about Christianity and recovery but once in awhile I get moved to post something else. Somebody sent me the following photo (there are others but this is the best in my opinion)

Pictures From Iraq That Are Too Shocking & Graphic for The Mainstream

Subject: Photos that will never make the news.....


When you receive this, please stop for a moment and say a prayer
for our troops (land, air, and sea) in Afghanistan, Kuwait, Iraq, and
around the world. There is nothing attached....... This can be very
powerful......Just send this to people in your address book. Do not stop
wheel, please....

Of all the gifts you could give the US Military, Prayer is the
best one.....

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Ashley Smith and Drugs (The rest of the story)

Ashley Smith and Drugs (The rest of the story)
I thought I would blog a little about Ashley Smith. At first when the story broke months ago I was impressed by her faith. But I did notice that she would never have been a hostage had she not gone out very late at night by herself to get a pack of cigarettes.Now, it turns out that apparently she was still using drugs at the time of being a hostage, and even gave her captor some drugs. That’s quite a different thing than being a Christian full of faith, isn’t it?.Im not saying Ashley Smith is a bad person. It looks like she was a very troubled woman, still on drugs, who was searching for God. Why else would she have Rick Warrens books in her apartment? Why else would she still have meth in her apartment?Criminals drug addicts have a certain amount of sympathy for one another. The fact that she had drugs and offered them to her captor probably would make him feel a little comfortable with her, like she was on the wrong side of the law too.Ashley now says she hasn’t used drugs since she walked out of her apartment that day. I’m glad about that. And God does work in mysterious ways.But I suspect if you asked Ashley if she was a Good Christian at the time of the incident her answer would be no.I wish her the best.

Monday, September 26, 2005


What causes addiction?

That is a very good question. Many treatment professionals would have you believe there is some mysterious genetic cause. But when you look carefully at the evidence you find that is not convincing at all. So what causes it?Please read the following articles on this website:"The newly recognized shattering effects of child abuse""Hate: The Root of Addictions"and"The Dark Ages of Alcoholism/Addicton Treatment"There is also a letter from the late Father Malachai Martin on this website. You should especially read it if you have a Catholic background. Malachai Martin was a Jesuit priest and official exorcist for the Catholic Church. His book, "Hostage to the Devil" is especially recommended.Here is a link to a news article linking alcoholism to child abuse. I can assure you from personal experience its equally true of addiction to drugs.

Saturday, September 17, 2005


Alcoholism is not a disease

Why Alcoholism and Addiction are not diseases I am a long time member (20+ years of sobriety) of Alcoholics Anonymous And Narcotics Anonymous. I have read all the AA and NA approved literature regarding these addictions being a disease. Most members of Anonymous programs are indoctrinated with the idea they have a disease almost from the start. Considering the lost confused state they are in ,it is no wonder most accept the idea uncritically. It is also true that most drinkers and drug addicts do not believe they have a disease when they are using. But is this idea true? And is it helpful or harmful. Their have been books wriiten on this subject , most notably "The Useful Lie" by William Playfair which is worth reading. The truth of the matter is that there is no scientific proof that addictions are a disease, although many assert that there is. Stanton Peel (author of Diseasing of America ) has reviewed most of the scientific evidence and it is clear to the objective observer there is no scientific proof that addictions are diseases. The purpose of this short essay is not to argue the point and it is recommended the sincere seeker read Peeles work if he wants to review the so-called evidence. Belief in a lie can effect behavior. If a person truly believes he has a disease which triggers an allergy then he may indeed not drink or use drugs. It is also true if a person is hypnotized into believing he is a Rooster, he will crow like a Rooster. Why is this idea so appealing? First of all, the alcoholic/addict does not know what is wrong with him and this is an explanation. It is alsoappealing to the Alcoholic because most alcoholics/and addicts have done terrible things. The idea of having a disease is appealing. I have on occasion heard people in meetings say they were relieved to "find out"they had a disease and that they were "sick" people not bad people. It is easier for a proud, wrong person to admit there is something wrong with his body than admit there is something wrong with his soul. And that is what is wrong with the disease concept. The alcoholic/addict is a sinner in need of repentance. He needs to see his prideful, resentful,angry, disobedient sinful nature, and feel the attendent pain. This Godly pain is what the scripture refers to in the beatitudes "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted".Belief in a lie does not save,Belief in the tuth does. Think of it, the entire "treatment"industry in the United States is based on a lie.

Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free-Jesus Christ

Friday, September 09, 2005


Tightrope-The Fourth Edition of Alcoholics Anonymous

Tightrope- The Fourth Edition of Alcoholics Anonymous

Over the years Alcoholics Anonymous has built up a lot of good will with various organizations. Many Churches have built co-operative relationships with Alcoholics Anonymous. Even conservative churches like the Catholic Church frequently allow Alcoholics Anonymous to meet at their facilities. However, there is a dark side to Alcoholics Anonymous that is seldom discussed. After all, it is not polite to criticize AA. I intend to be “not polite”.

Alcoholics Anonymous has changed. I have even seen it change in my own lifetime. My involvement dates from 1976 which is nearly 30 years now. The most recent change in Alcoholics Anonymous which people should be aware of is the inclusion of the story ,”Tightrope” in the Fourth Edition of The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Most people outside AA probably don’t even know what The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous is. It is the basic book of Alcoholics which contains the “program” and also personal stories of recovery. The first 164 pages of the The Big Book have not changed much since the original publication in 1939. But the personal stories have changed with every new generation. The first changes occurred in the Second Edition, which was published in 1955. The next changes occurred in the Third Edition in 1976 (The year my active involvement began). The most recent changes occurred in 2001 when the current fourth edition was published. And The Big Book is a major influence in the lives of millions of Alcoholics worldwide.

From personal experience I can tell you that the current edition is the one that has the most influence on AA’s, especially newer ones. For many years, I did not realize that many very significant changes had been made to the Third edition from the First edition. The Founders stories, Bills Story and Doctor Bobs Nightmare, were in the 3rd edition and I just did not give much thought as to whether it had been changed from previous editions. In fact, I seldom heard of previous editions;everybody used the Third edition.I was too busy trying to learn how to live a life of sobriety- no easy task for a chronic drunk and drug addict.

On the face of it, the changes made to the Big Book are to make it more relevant to the current generation. However, I see a more sinister agenda at work. Let me explain.

One of the stories in the “New improved” Fourth edition is the inclusion of the testimony of an openly gay unrepentant homosexual. This had never happened before. It is certain that Alcoholics Anonymous would never have gained the acceptance and co-operation of many religious people in its early years had they included that kind of story. This is not to say there were not stories of homosexuals in The Big Book. Marty Mann, sometimes called the The First Lady of Alcoholics Anonymous, was a closet Lesbian who never revealed the fact publicly except to close friends. Although her story was not in The First Edition, Bill Wilson did include it in the Second Edition. It is also included in the Third and Fourth editions. The story however does not reveal Marty Mann’s Lesbianism.

Alcoholics Anonymous has a tradition (Tradition 10) that says,
“Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the AA name out never be drawn into public controversy”. Many AA’ would say that still is the position of Alcoholics Anonymous. I say that is not true and the publication of “Tightrope” in The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous is the latest evidence.

The anonymous author of “Tightrope” admits that drinking helped him with the inner conflict he felt over his homosexual urges: “For me , the idea of being homosexual-the word gay wasn’t then in common use-was unthinkable. Drinking helped me forget and evade.’

The author also admits that when he finally acted on his homosexual desires that he felt guilt and shame: “ When I eventually decided to act on my desires, the guilt and shame- as well as the drinking—increased.” In other word, he drank to escape the pain of conscience.

His solution: “I wound up living two separate and distinct lives – that of the gay man with friends and interests to match and that of the straight man with a totally separate set of friends and interests. I had to walk this Tightrope…”

Of course his alcoholism continued on its path of self destruction. Now you might think that the ultimate resolution of his problem would be to admit he was wrong and experience the redeeming pain of guilt and shame over his homosexuality: to repent.You would be wrong.

While that might be the Christian resolution to the problem it is not the resolution presented in The Fourth Edition of The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.

The solution presented in “Tightrope” is an embrace of his homosexuality after he finds AA.

First of all, his sponsor turns out to be a “Christian Minister” who is accepting of his homosexuality.

Secondly he begins to be of “service”. “It was in this period that I started to turn to service beyond the group level. I had helped in founding the first gay AA group in my part of town”.

Lastly, everyone in AA accepts his homosexuality and everything turns out hunky dory, “ In all these positions, I never felt obligated to conceal or deny my sexuality. I have always felt that the representatives of groups in my area were concerned –only with how we carried the message of recovery, not with what I might do in my personal life”.

Apparently, the message of the Big Book is that what you do in your personal life doesn’t matter, and that homosexuality in Alcoholics Anonymous is ok.

Now,to be fair and balanced, let me turn to the story of the repentant homosexual alcoholic in The fourth edition of The Big Book of Alcoholics. You see there are repentant homosexual alcoholics. There is even a group called Homosexual Anonymous that uses the steps of Alcoholics Anonymous to recover from homosexuality.

Ok, back to the story of the repentant homosexual alcoholic. It is located on page- uh- lets see it located on page number--- hmm. Well, I can’t find it. I guess maybe they left it out. I wonder why?

So you see AA’s opinion on an outside issue is done in a subtle way. You see it in the story “Tightrope”. You see it in the Gay AA meetings. You see it in the Gay AA round ups. And you can see it on the GSO website. It’s done subtly though. Would you expect it to be otherwise?
“Now, the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God has made”- Genesis 3:1


Thursday, September 08, 2005


Do I recommend AA or NA ?

I attend a small meeting for people recovering from addictions at a local Catholic Church (No, I am not Catholic). On Wednesday I was asked by someone new if I recommend Alcoholics Anonymous. I don’t think I have ever addressed that question here.

No, I don’t recommend Alcoholics Anonymous to people anymore. Since 1976 I have attended literally thousands of meeting of both Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.

The general principles of the 12 steps are, for the most part, sound.Early AA was a good thing even if not all the ideas presented were true. However modern AA has become something else. AA as an organization has become tolerant of homosexuality. You only have to look at the General Service Office website and read the story “Tightrope” in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous to see it. I realize for some people Alcoholics Anonymous is a stage of their spiritual journey and does provide some limited benefit. But for many others AA just becomes a social club, and they are addicted to the friendships and comforts they find there. I think it is highly unlikely that anyone is going to find sound spiritual direction and instruction in Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. And that is why I wont recommend it to people.

Don’t get me wrong. I’d rather see people there than out driving in their cars drunk.But I would rather people find the spiritual awakening talked about in the steps, but which is rarely found in AA these days in my opinion.

What I do recommend is that you read some of the articles on my blog. If you think I know what Im talking about then I would strongly recommend that you check out some of my links.
If you can find a good local Christian Church then that might be a possiblity, but Im afraid that may be as hard as finding a good AA meeting.

If you don’t like what Im saying and think Im crazy then by all means go to AA. Id rather see you there than out driving on the roads drunk.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


What is Judgement?

Well, I woke up this morning and found out the California Legislature has passed a “Gay Marriage” bill. Although my site is about Recovery, I have to speak up about some of the things I see happening in society too. The majority of the legislators in the California Assembly are insane.; there is just no other word for it. Not only is Homosexuality sin, there is also recovery from it. Check out the ex-gay ministry link on my website for details. I am reposting a previous article entitled “What is Judement?” since many people, including many who call themselves Christians are confused on the subject. It is not sin to see sin as sin. It only becomes Judgement when you hate the sinner. The Homosexual activists are quite adept at confusing people. Check out the following link for a good post on the topic. And don’t forget to dash off a letter to the Governor of California asking him to veto this.

What is Judgement ?

What is Judgement?Luke 6:37Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:How often have you told somebody that they are wrong and they turn throw up the scripture in your face telling you that you are judging them?Here is a post on the subject I pulled from a website which is pretty typical:

“im sorry, but that seems pretty hypocritical to me. you are judging homosexuals. you are saying that they are wrong, and gay marriage is wrong. but who are you to judge?”

See what I mean. They say you are wrong for seeing that they are wrong.The other thing frequently said is that you cant see a fault in something in someone else unless it is also in you. Under this philosophy if you say a purse snatcher is a wrong person,then you yourself are a purse snatcher. Ridiculous.

I have had some conversations on-line with Christians and they often seem to be as much in the dark as anybody else.So what then is this Judgement that the Christ warned us about. I believe I understand it to some degree. Lets see if I can explain it.

Has anyone ever done something wrong to you (either cruel or selfish) and you found feelings of resentment inside you? I have experienced that. And at the same time I was resenting I also experienced something else: guilt and depression. It was as if I was violating some unseen Spiritual Law. And I was.Judgement is when you tinge the observation of the wrong or sin of another with hostility or resentment. That changes innocent discernment into the sin of Judgement.

Some of the other scriptures shed additional light on this.

43“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44But I tell you: Love your enemies[b] and pray for those who persecute you,(Matthew 5:43-44)

In your patience possess ye your souls.-Luke 21:19

12And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.- Matthew 6:12

I have a minister friend who says he thinks the translation resist not evil is incorrect and that it should be resent not evi. And that makes a lot of sense to me.

Matthew 5:39But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also

And there is one other scripture that needs consideration:24Judge not according to the appearance, but JUDGE RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT ._John 7-24

I think you can see from the above scripture that there is a righteous judgement that is acceptable to God. Some people call it discernment.So if we see people the way they are without resentment or hostility that is innocent and acceptable to God. And it is a damnable trick when they try and convince you that you are judging when you are not


Monday, September 05, 2005


How to stop drinking

Excerpt from The Way of a Pilgrim

We draw up to the table and the officer began his story.

“Ever since I was a young man I have been with the army in the field and not on garrison service. I knew my job, and my superior officers liked me for a conscientious second lieutenant. Still, I was young , and so were my friends. Unhappily. I took to drink, and drunkenness became a regular passion with me. So long as I kept away from drink, I was a good officer, but when I gave way to it, I was no good for anything for six weeks at a time. They bore with me for a long while, but the end of it was that after being thoroughly rude while drunk to my commanding officer, I was cashiered and transferred to a garrison as a private soldier for three years. I was threatened with a still more severe punishment if I did not give up drinking and mend my ways. Even in this miserable state of affairs, however much I tried, I could not regain my self control nor cure myself (Ed.: The First Step of Alcoholics Anonymous athough this happened somewhere around 1860. 70+ years before the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous). I found it impossible to get rid of my passion for drink, and it was decided to send me to a disciplinary corp.When I was informed of this I was at my wits end. I was in barracks occupied with my wretched thoughts when there arrived a monk who was going round collecting for a church. We each of us gave him what we could.

He came up to me and asked me why I was so unhappy, and I talked to him and told him my troubles. He sympathized with me and said, “The same thing happened to my own brother, and what do you think helped him? His spiritual father gave him a copy of the Gospels with strict orders to read a chapter a without a moments delay every time he felt a longing for wine coming over him. If the desire continued he was to read a second chapter, and so on. That is what my brother did , and at the end of a very short time his drunkenness came to an end. It is now fifteen years sinced he touched a drop of alcohol. You do the same and you will see how that will help you. I have a copy of the Gospels which you must let me bring you…………………………………………..

I forgot what I gave the monk . But I bought his book of the Gospels,put it away in a trunk with my other things and forgot it. Some while afterward a bout of drunkenness threatened me. An irrestible desire for drink dove me hurriedly to open my trunk to get some money and rush off to the public house. But the first thing my eyes fell on was the copy of the Gospels, and all that the monk had said came back vividly to my mind. I opened the book and began to read the first chapter of St. Matthew. I got to the end of it without understanding a word. Still I remembered that the monk had said:

“No matter if you do not understand, go on reading diligently.” ‘Come ‘, said I ‘I must read the secong Chapter.’ I did so and began to understand a little. So I started on the third chapter and then the barracks bell began to ring. ;everyone had to go to bed, no one was allowed to go out, and I had to stay where I was. When I got up in the morning I was just on the point of going out to get some wine when I suddenly thought-supposing I was to read another chapter. What would be the result? I read it and I did not go to the public house. Again I felt the craving,and again I read a chapter. I felt a certain amount of relief. This encourage me, and from that time on , whenever I felt the need of drink, I used to read a chapter of the Gospels. What is more , as time went on things got better and better, and by the time I had finished all four Gospels my drunkenness was absolutely a thing of the past, and I felt nothing but disgust for it. It is just twenty years now since I drank a drop of alcohol.

Published in 1884

Saturday, September 03, 2005


This post could save your life or someone elses

Ok. You shot drugs and your sorry and you want to live a better life. Good.One thing you should do is go get a blood test for Hepatitis C. I dont care how long you have been off drugs, even 40 years. Go get a blood test.The hepatitis C virus can be in your body undetected for years, slowly eating away at your liver. The sooner off you find out you have it the better off you are going to be. Dont make the mistake of thinking." Im been off drugs a long time and have no symptoms, I dont need a blood test".You may be able to prevent liver damage by finding out now that you have it.You may also be able to prevent inadvertantently giving it to someone else. Make it a priority. The last time I shot drugs was in 1976. This week the Doctors told me I have been walking around for decades with Hep C and didnt know it. In al likelihood, I got it from shooting drugs back in the 1970's.


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